The Lodger (Writer)
Chilopod Hatchfund Video (Editor)
A Reminder From Women’s March (DP, Editor)
BANANAS “Subsidy Programs” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
BANANAS “Playing Is Learning” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
BANANAS “The Importance of Early Learning” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
BANANAS “FFNs Are First Teachers” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
BANANAS “What Are Child Care R&R Agencies?” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
BANANAS “Infant & Toddler Child Care” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
BANANAS “Playgroups” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
BANANAS “Subsidized Child Care” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
BANANAS “Child Care Referrals” (Writer, Director, DP, Editor)
UNpossible Cuts (DP, Editor)
Say Hello to The Factory 510 (DP, Director, Editor)
The Factory 510 “Build It” (DP, Director, Editor)
The Factory 510 “Make It” (DP, Director, Editor)
The Factory 510 “Start It” (DP, Director, Editor)
The Factory 510 “Shoot It” (DP, Director, Editor)
The Factory 510 “Showcase” (DP, Director, Editor)
Milvali (DP, Editor)
Burning Man Global Leadership Conference, 2014 (DP, Editor)
WikiLeaks v. The Fifth Estate — Facts and Fiction in the New Hollywood Movie (DP, Editor)
Alley Girl (48HFP) (Writer, DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
Burning Man Global Leadership Conference, 2013 (DP, Editor)
Burning Man Regional Summit (DP, Editor)
How To Survive The Apocalypse: Burning Opera (Editor)
Hired (48HFP) (Editor)
Class of 1964 (DP, Editor)
Birth of a Colt (DP, Editor)
Fantasy Fulfillment (DP, Director, Editor)
SuperEgo (DP, Director, Editor)
Dark Lady – Matt Stedeford Mix (DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
We Talk Without Talking (Writer, DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
Pimp My Royalty (Writer, DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
The Interview (48HFP) (Writer, DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
High Fashion Passion (DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
Top Chef: Audition (DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
Treatment: CSA (Writer, DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
HotBoxx (DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
Little Charity (Writer, DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
Hypnotized! (48HFP) (Writer, DP, Director, Producer, Editor)
Fly Away (Producer, Editor)
Written by
The Lodger (Short)
BANANAS “Subsidy Programs”(Promo)
BANANAS “Playing Is Learning” (Promo)
BANANAS “The Importance of Early Learning” (Promo)
BANANAS “FFNs Are First Teachers” (Promo)
BANANAS “What Are Child Care R&R Agencies?” (Promo)
BANANAS “Infant & Toddler Child Care” (Promo)
BANANAS “Playgroups” (Promo)
BANANAS “Subsidized Child Care” (Promo)
BANANAS “Child Care Referrals” (Promo)
Alley Girl (48HFP Short)
We Talk Without Talking (Promo)
Pimp My Royalty (Promo)
The Interview (48HFP Short)
Treatment: CSA (Promo)
Little Charity (ZIFF Short)
Hypnotized! (48HFP Short)
To Kill a Nightingale (48HFP Short)
The 5 Mrs. Buchanans “Mother’s Day” (Teleplay)
Married With Children “Exit, Uncle Erwin” (Teleplay)
Dead in the Heart (Poetry/Prose)
Under L.A. (Screenplay)
Another Kind of Love (Screenplay)